Phonology Assistant
Please note that there are separate pages for tutorials on each tool tab found in Phonology Assistant. Use the website navigation menu to access the other pages.
Video Tutorials - General overview
Video Tutorials - General overview

Download version 4.0.2 (version that we are using in Field Methods)
Last edited December, 2020Download version 4.0.2 (version that we are using in Field Methods)
Download at:
Bugs and workarounds
Bugs and workarounds
Phonology Assistant will not load my FieldWorks data file (FIXED in 4.0.0)
Phonology Assistant will not load my FieldWorks data file (FIXED in 4.0.0)
Bug with PA 3.6.4 and 3.6.5 with FieldWorks data files located in non-standard location. Work around described below.